Octopus Engage in Microsoft SPLA License Reporting

Microsoft SPLA license software has various advantages which are flexible. It is beneficial for Small businessmen and Entrepreneurs because there is no need to worry about licensing costs. Every businessman can treat software costs as operating costs. Which is more manageable for them.

How does Microsoft SPLA licensing work?

Microsoft SPLA Is a flexible tool that’s aim is to adapt to the needs of customers' businesses.

The help of the SPLA licensing model allows companies to license their products. only for external users, not for internal employees. Suppose you want to extend the benefits of services provider licensing to internal employees. In that case, need to purchase a volume licensing agreement.

When Customer is eligible for service Provider licensing?

Every Customer should renew their license every year.

Those who want to apply for hosting licensing he/she should meet specific criteria. If anyone wants to sell the software to their customers, then you can’t qualify for volume licensing. that restricts your business ability.

For a software service provider who looks for a new opportunity. in the business industry. The Service providing licensing no doubt can be the best option for you to achieve your business goal.

Hosting licensing criteria is different. You should meet a specific set of criteria.

If you sell software to your customers, you would not qualify for volume licensing.

Now License dashboard has an important role to support clear reports and bills for providers and their customer usage.

Want to gather more knowledge and service-related issues by visiting the Octopus Cloud.


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