What Are The Things That Require A Microsoft License?

For people who get confused when it comes to licenses and Microsoft SPLA license inventory and want nothing more than  to understand which category requires Microsoft licenses, the feelings are mutual. Here in this post, we will go through the categories which need Microsoft licensing one by one.

5 categories need Microsoft licensing to operate them. These categories include-


Desktop application

Two license types of Microsoft office are more famous than others, especially among people who do not like to use open source. Those two types of desktop applications are desktop application licenses and user subscription licenses.

Operating system license

Any time you buy a new laptop or computer you will find that they come with pre-installed Microsoft windows. And although it is pre-installed in the end-user hardware there are many organisations out there that buy more licenses to increase the functionality of their device.

Operating server for Microsoft software

If you are working in an organisation you must have noticed that most companies or organisations use different servers. These operating servers are there to save files, run servers and carry out many functions. These servers also need licenses for example for Software inventory of Microsoft you will need to get a Windows server operating system. 

Licenses for servers

Windows servers are present in almost every system, and no one uses Windows servers alone. You have to have some application to work on the server with more efficiency and use it to its full functionality.

Some of the used and famous servers are the following:

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Microsoft exchange server

  • Dynamics 365 etc

And all these servers need licenses to work on them.

Now of course some of the licenses might have a different set of rules for them which can get complicated to understand from time to time. But do you know who can help you with the software inventory of Microsoft? Octopus cloud.

Here you can find amazing software inventory tools Microsoft licenses. Get a clear view of the licensing landscape, optimize, migrate and transform with Octopus cloud.


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