Signs you are overspending on SPLA licensing

Overspending on Microsoft SPLA licensing is not an alien thing it is pretty normal and many companies face the difficulty of efficient spending on the licenses without going overboard and creating a financial mess. And although there are many SPLA managers out there only some of them are professional enough to tell you how to cut losses.

That’s why you need to stay alert all the time and you must know the signs that indicate that you might be overspending on the Microsoft licenses than you should.

Microsoft SPLA licensing

The intention of being on the safe side always winds people up in doing more than what is required of them.  But in the long run, doing overboard reporting might be a bit disadvantageous. The extra cost that goes into our reporting can be better spent on SPLA licensing or getting a consultation.

No deciding on a standard

Oftentimes letting things work like they are without deciding on a standard can put you in dangerous situations.  For example, if in SQL Enterprise there is no SQL standard reporting method. This means that the provider is only reporting for the host-level licensing which is less cost-effective than the standard SOQ reporting.

Looking for a way to make reporting easy is to try octopus SPLA reporting.

Not keeping and directory

Keeping a directory might be an old-fashioned way of doing things but they are worth the effort. Keeping a directory can help you eliminate the costs that happen due to over-reporting.

octopus cloud ag

Not using a tool

Tools are there to help you with the process and make things easier for you. One other use of the tool is to make the reports more accurate than manual calculations. Hence not using what the internet offers can be a big mistake. Take advantage of what is provided to you and make the most out of it.

Final words

If you are struggling with the reporting procedure you can visit octopus cloud ag as they have all the necessary tools and knowledge to help you with the process.


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