How SPLA Metering can save your money?

 Software Asset Management (SAM) is a process of proper management and protection of software assets. Many companies practice SAM for a better user experience. The goal is to reduce the costs and risks which come with software use. One side of SAM is software metering, which helps to reduce costs and save money. There are many benefits of Octopus SPLA metering or license reuse.

How Octopus SPLA metering can help?

Our software inventory tool uses executable files and other data. This data is usually for the process of software recognition. This helps the software to know when the software was last in use. Along with that, it makes analysis and judgment easier for software reuse.

This data from the last key file access helps to determine the last usage of particular software. The analysis of this data contributes to making decisions on software reuse.

Some benefits of Octopus SPLA metering which can help save money:

·        SAM software, inside an IT Service Management system, can give you accessibility to many ready-to-use software licenses.

·        You can skip your purchasing and finance authorization procedure.

·        It reduces the workload on your IT departments.

·        It helps to lower the request-response time for your company’s IT users.

·        Your IT client experience improves, and your savings also begin to accumulate.

Why Octopus SPLA metering?

Octopus SPLA metering allows you to deliver knowledge about real usage. It allows your company to make more educated decisions about continuing maintenance expenditures.

This simple procedure might result in year-over-year expense reductions for your company.

Of course, benefits come with restrictions and the same is true in this case. The requirements for having these benefits differ with different vendors. Also, in the case of IT, it has to remove the software from the device before installing another software.

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